This is a wonderful achievement and all the congratulations must go to the crews who raced hard throughout the season. Not to stop at winning the sailing school trophy, the crews on Arthur Logic also where awarded with 3rd overall in IRC 2 for the season, and 13th Overall out of all the yachts racing (All 293 yachts that completed a race!!) .

Our sincere congratulations also go too Jon Tyrrell, our lead skipper on Arthur Logic, who personally won The Duncan Munro Kerr Youth Challenge Trophy for completing the most RORC miles in current season and yacht is in top three of class. Jon Skippered 3101nm miles as Skipper competing in; Cervantes Trophy Myth of Malham Volvo Round Ireland Channel Race Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race Cherbourg Race (Also started St Malo Race ). 

Whitehall, London, November 17, 2018 – The 2018 Royal Ocean Racing Club Annual Dinner and Prize Giving was held at the Royal Horseguards Hotel, with over 200 guests attending the spectacular black tie event and where prize winners, competitors, crews, RORC members and guests celebrated the year’s achievements with the Royal Ocean Racing Club .

After a champagne reception, the dinner and prize giving was held in the theatre-style Gladstone Library. The Grade I listed hotel overlooking the Thames has strong links to the British Military and Gladstone has a fortuitous link to the 2018 Yacht of the Year. Every prize winner was roundly applauded as they took centre stage at the glamorous event. There was a huge ovation for the overall winner of the 2018 RORC Season’s Points Championship, British Soldier, and for the RORC Yacht of the Year, Ichi Ban.

Many thanks to the Royal Ocean Racing Club for hosting a fabulous season of offshore racing and the Royal Horseguards Hotel for hosting a wonderful evening, we look forward too defending our title in 2019!

For information on joining us for an Offshore Campaign in 2019 , or the Rolex Fastnet Race 2019 , please don’t hesitate to get in touch .

List of Prize Winners here 

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On Sunday 24th November, the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) got under from Las Palmas in the Canary Islands, heading some 2700nm across the Atlantic Ocean for Rodney Bay in St Lucia. Sailing Logic team member, Prue, is at the helm of Dream Yacht Charter’s UK flagship, Oarsome Dream, taking part in the race. Read the latest news from on board, here…


On Sunday 24th November, the Atlantic Rally for Cruisers (ARC) got under from Las Palmas in the Canary Islands, heading some 2700nm across the Atlantic Ocean for Rodney Bay in St Lucia. Sailing Logic team member, Prue, is at the helm of Dream Yacht Charter’s UK flagship, Oarsome Dream, taking part in the race. Read the latest news from on board, here…

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